Indicator Self-Assessment Tool
The self-assessment tool is built around the Measurement Framework for Service Coordination. The tool allows local home visiting programs to evaluate their systems to support coordination. The tool is not designed to provide a score. Rather, it provides an opportunity for reflection and a basis for quality improvement. The tool is intended for use by home visiting programs but may also be used by other programs in the early childhood system of care.
Description of the tool:
The tool has three sections: 1) Implementation System, 2) Activities, and 3) Short-term Program Outcomes. Within each section, there are several subdomains and corresponding indicators.
Instructions for completing the self-assessment:
- Print the Indicator Self-Assessment Tool.
- Convene program staff and stakeholders.
- Discuss each indicator until you reach consensus on a rating. Record whether each support, activity, or outcome is In Place, Partially in Place, or Not in Place. You may also mark Don’t Know. There is a column for notes about each indicator.
- When all indicators have been rated, note and celebrate areas of strength. Also, note areas for improvement.
- As a group, select 1-3 indicators on which to focus for quality improvement.
- Revisit the tool bi-annually to reflect progress and identify areas for further improvement.